Friday, October 22, 2010

Tattoos - Do?

I’m normally a pretty tame person. I don’t have any tattoos and outside of my ears, the only thing pierced is my belly button. And to be really honest, the only reason I did that was because my ex-boyfriend told me it’d make a whore. Seriously. Word for word what he said. So, in order to prove him wrong, I did it. We broke up. Thank goodness. And guess what!? It didn’t make me a whore…quite the opposite, actually.

I digress. My parents originally told my brother and me when we went to college that if we got tattoos, they wouldn’t pay for school. This was enough to scare the bejeesus out of us. Around my junior year, they recanted and said we could do whatever we wanted. Awesome! Landon went right out and got a very tasteful tattoo on his shoulder blade. It’s a cross with a dove that represents some of his favorite Bible verses. Good for him.

I, on the other hand, didn’t want to get anything that didn’t mean anything to me. I also wasn’t ever really sure where I would put said tattoo. This is a very important decision. If I put it anywhere on my torso, it would stretch out when I have kids. If I put it on my shoulders, it would show in my wedding dress. I was told that if you got it on your lower back, it messes with a possible epidural (not sure if this is true or not). So, I just decided not to get one for the time being.

Fast forward about seven years. I’m out at my favorite bar in Nashville – The Stage. They have the best in-house band on Saturday nights – The Lewis Copeland Band. The lead singer’s tattoo catches my eye. It’s hard to see in the picture below. It says “blessed” but the “b” and the “d” are treble clef music symbols. I loved it. Not only because it was different, but because it meant something personal. I didn’t really think anything else of it, but just that it was really creative.

Credit: here

I wasn’t about to run out and copy his tattoo or anything, I just liked it. It stuck in my head. I have a really hard time remembering how blessed I truly am. Even though my life isn’t perfect, I’m so dang lucky. I started thinking that maybe I would get a “blessed” tattoo on my left wrist. Not big or anything, but tasteful and something I could cover up with a watch if I wanted to. I liked the idea, but if I’m going to get something permanently put on my body, I’m going to love it.

I was at home a while later helping my mom unpack in the new house. My mom is like me. She has a TON. OF. STUFF. So much that I didn’t know she had most of it. Well, I was unpacking a box and came across this:

Seriously. It’s a little sign that says “Blessed” in an adorable font. I didn’t know my mom had this, but took it as a sign (pun intended) that if I were to get a tattoo, this is what it would look like. Simple, tasteful and meaningful…and easily hidden. Everything I wanted.

So, now I’m just being chicken. I don’t really like needles, but I love this idea. Now I’m asking you all – do you have any tattoos? What and where are they? Do you like them? Does it really hurt that bad? Do you regret getting it? I’m so very curious to hear your answers!


  1. I came across your blog while on one of the blogs I follow, and I have enjoyed reading it.

    Yes I do have a tattoo. I got a strawberry n my right shoulder. The reason I did this was to be "rebellious" . It seriously was a very stupid idea, because 9 years later, and I am still stuck with this thing. I think that if you are going to get one make sure that it really is something that means something to you, and know that for the time it takes to get it done, it is going to hurt. The one you have chosen is beautiful, and really is so true "We are all so truly BLESSED". Have a wonderful day. I look forward to reading about what you decide to do.

  2. I, too, found your blog from someone else's and have enjoyed reading!
    I have a tattoo on my lower back of the Chinese writing for "Forever". It means something very personal to me, and I gave it a lot of thought before I go it. I have never regretted it, as to me, it stands as a symbol that I have been and will be forever linked to my future husband.
    I think "Blessed" is a great idea, and it sounds like you have thought it out.

  3. Thanks Ladies! I really appreciate the feedback :) Now if I can just get over this fear of needles, I'll be all set!

  4. I had wanted a tattoo since my freshman year of college. I was a Delta Gamma and was 100% sure I wanted an anchor (our symbol) which stands for hope. When my roommate hunkered down and set an appointment at the tattoo parlor for hers, I realized I needed to make my decision. I decided instead on a Triquetra ( I read somewhere it was the celtic symbol for life, but it also stands for the trinity. I, like you, didn't want to get my tattoo in a spot where it would stretch or be obviously visible in strapless dresses. My parents, too, told me they wouldn't pay for college if I got at tattoo. I got it while in college, but got it on the inside of my right ankle, right behind the bone. It is about the diameter of a nickel. It hurt, but it wasn't too bad. I'd describe it as an intense scratching. It only took about 5 minutes and I held my best friend's hand the whole time.
    Definitely think it through, but so far, I don't regret it.
