Thursday, October 21, 2010

Breathless: Part 2

To read the beginning of the story, click HERE.

After senior prom, life continued. I had graduated and was off at college.  Chris was living/working in Indy. We didn’t really talk for any of my freshman & sophomore years. Then I turned 21 and had just recently broken up with the guy I had dated for over a year. I should take this time to mention that Chris and my “thing” is music. It goes back to the CDs he had made me in high school. For some reason, our music tastes just clicked. We knew all the same songs and had no problem belting them out in the car together. For as long as I can remember, we’ve had two songs: “At the Stars” by Better than Ezra (our favorite band) and “Ordinary World” by Duran Duran (don’t mock it…I love that song.)

Better than Ezra comes to Indy once a year at a 21+ venue and even though he’d gone before, I’d never been able to get in. Finally, we got to go to the concert together. It was amazing. Aside from all the other songs we loved, they played “At the Stars.” I don’t remember anything else about those moments except Chris & I slow dancing in the middle of a huge crowd. It was like no one else existed in the world.  That moment will be forever etched in my mind.

After that, he started coming up to Purdue to hang out with me during my junior & senior years. We’d go out to the bars and have a blast just goofing around with each other. We never needed anyone else around to have a great time I have about a million pictures of him & I being stupid on random occasions. Since we were both obsessed with the Colts football team, we’d play imaginary football. We’d take turns being Peyton Manning and Marvin Harrison in the middle of the deserted streets of Purdue. Even though it was stupid and immature, it was innocent and fun...and some of the best times I had in college.

More to come...


  1. I just joined your site after Amy's Getting Real linky...wanted you to know that I am enjoying these "get to know your story" posts.

  2. Thanks Meghan! This is one of those stories I want to remember :) Hopefully you like it! It's a big long though...
