Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago!

Yep.  I'm moving to Chicago.  I figure if I keep saying it to myself, it'll eventually sink in.  I was offered a position a little over a week ago as the Director of Sales for an AV company at a large airport hotel just outside of Chicago.  Holy crap...someone thinks I'm qualified to be a Director of something.

Hello Home!!!

This, of course, thrilled me to no end and it took everything in me not to scream "YES!!!" when I got the email. Actually, the offer could not have come at a better time.  I was having a horrible day with a horrible group in house and just wanted to walk right out the door and say "screw it."  Then I got the email...and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried.  And then, I called Stacia.  I think she made me deaf she was screaming so loud!

After a little bartering, I signed the offer letter (I think they get my first born) and told my current employer that my last day will be March 5th!  Of course, it's impossible to keep a secret when working in a hotel, so everyone knew about it by the time it was announced.  I really couldn't have asked for better responses from my leaders and co-workers.  I was really nervous about how they'd react, but I got big hugs and "I'm so happy for you!"  Thank God for that.

So the game plan became this:
- Last Day of Current Work:  March 5th
- Leave for Chile to be in cousin's wedding:  March 6th
- Return from Chile:  March 15th
- Pack up all my clothes/needed stuff & going away dinner with my faves: March 16th
- Drive to Indy: March 17th
- Move in with my Uncle (who lives in Chicago): March 18th
- Start new job: March 22nd

Schnikes.  That's a lot to do.  I'm going to be living with Drew & Mark for a few months because it's cheaper for my roommate and I to ride out our lease than to break it (don't get me started).  All of my furniture will stay in our current apartment and I'll just take clothes and valuables (I live in the 'hood) to Chicago and fly back and forth as needed to pack/move around July. 

So my parents came down this weekend to celebrate my 26th birthday and take some of my stuff back to Indy.  My mom gets here and immediately the next morning gets to work tearing my apartment into pieces and freaking out about how much there is to do!  I said "welcome to my party" and started throwing crap in boxes.  Then we turned on the TV.  Oh?  What's that on CNN?  An 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile?  Aren't I supposed to leave here to fly there in A WEEK!?  Are you freakin' kidding me!?

After we found out my cousin, her fiance and his family were all ok (thank you Lord!), we started looking at options.  I'm a bridesmaid for Sarah in Chile and want to be there for her.  However, I think the force majure (Act of God) clause would come into play for this.  As of right now, it looks like wedding plans are continuing and Santiago wasn't entirely affected.  I have mixed emotions about this and will possibly change my flights to be there for less time.  Who knows. 

Can I just say that I hate not having a plan!!!  I plan for a living so it's really hard for me to "just let things go" or "wait and see!"  Yeah...that just stresses me out and then I'll either lose my cool or start crying.  Either way, it's not pretty.  So this whole earthquake, not speaking the language, traveling by myself while uprooting my entire life-business is NOT fun for me.  I need to pack and plot and relax.  Guessing it's not going to happen.  Oh well.

The best part about all of this?  I'm moving to Chicago.  Where I always wanted to be.  Where I'm close to some of my best friends.  Where I'm only 2.5 hours from home AND 2.5 hours from my lake.  I could cry thinking about it because I'm SO happy.  But, it's such a bittersweet time.  I'm going to miss my friends here more than anything.  I've said it before, but I have the BEST friends here.  It's a good thing Jen's birthday is coming up!  Hopefully they'll come visit for a long weekend right after I move into my own place!

Anyway, it's late and I'm rambling.  I'm just thanking God for answered prayers...and hoping they don't shoot single people in Chicago.

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

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