Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Steam of Consiousness

This week has kind of sucked.  I never thought I'd say it, but I miss GO.  I miss knowing how to do my job and knowing the boundries I could do it within.  I like boundries.  I don't like when people get promoted even though they suck at their jobs.  I also don't like not knowing what I'm doing.  I'm more of a hinderance than a help at this point and it's ticking me right off.  Also, I don't like bitter people...and in certain areas, I'm surrounded by them.  All. The. Time.  Oh yeah, when did the F-word make it's way in to everyday vocabulary b/c I kid you not, I hear that word at least 150 times a day.  It's annoying and highly offensive.  I'm not the most positive person in the world and certainly don't emit rays of sunshine all the time, but how is it possible that people can be negative all the time???  Again, it's annoying...especially for the new girl.  When someone asks you for help and you say "I don't know" and then complain about how busy you are?  Yeah...that's what I asked if you needed help.  Also, there's a difference between "ruling with an iron fist" and managing.  Try it sometime.  In case you hadn't heard, there's also this thing called "training."  Some people do it before they go run 26.2 miles (crazies), some people do it to learn a new job.  Ya know, in case you hadn't heard.  Finally, there's a thing called planning in advance.  Shockingly, this allows you to schedule your time off and NOT be called in on weekends because you didn't know it was going to be busy. 

Despite all of that crap above (and it's A. Lot. Of. Crap.), I still like it here.  I love that there's so much to do, I love that I got to catch up with my 433 friends from senior year last weekend (missed you Jess!!), and I love that I will never have to work another Tower of Terror shift or have another nervous breakdown in the middle of Marshall's.  I seem to forget that there was a huge adjustment period to my job in Nashville and it'll be the same way in Chicago.  I'll survive. I'll learn the right way to do things and I will keep a positive attitude and change as much as I possibly can.  After this, who know's where I'll go...but this is the right place to be for now.


  1. Somebody must have given you some pretty spectacular advice to talk you off that ledge yesterday...... :)

  2. Well duh :) I can't come up with this crap on my own!!

  3. I miss the flower arranging and 433 days!! Can't believe it's been 4 years. Holy cow! I hear ya on this one hun. Life's an adjustment half the time and we just have to flow with it. It'll get there. Also, on the workout thing. I'm right there with ya. I wanna like to work out too. I'd rather come home and nap. :) Love ya!
