Thursday, April 29, 2010

"It's a Deep Burn"

I have a very love/hate relationship with working out.  Growing up, I was a gymnast for ten years and also did diving for four years.  I was never one for team sports - anyone who's seen me play kickball can attest to this.  Anywho, for those sports years, I was in pretty rockin' good shape...we did weights and throwing yourself off a 12 foot springboard will give you a decent cardio workout.  But, then I got to high school and decided that I would rather socialize with my friends (read: watch Trading Spaces/run around Super Target) than be committed to a team sport.  I've always had issues with commitment.  So, I quit sports and ran around with my friends.

Then college.  In college, you have FREE access to a fabulous gym and pool.  You can even take athletic classes such as swimming, aerobics, and bowling. I took all three because I'm an over-achiever.  I also took flower-arranging.  Many thanks to Jess for "helping" me pass that class.  During college, I probably went to the co-rec a total of 20 times in four years.  I also didn't do much in swimming/aerobics classes because I was too busy socializing.  Shocking.  The thing is, I didn't have to work out.  I was eating whatever I wanted, drinking frat boys under the table and managing to stay the same size/shape I was in high school. 

Then college ended. 

Turns out, after graduation, that "drink whatever, eat whatever and never, ever work out" regimen doesn't work the same way.  It was a subtle change that I didn't even notice until I started looking back at pictures. Now, almost four years later to the day, I'm 20 pounds heavier.  Um, hello!?  Not ok in my book.  I realize that 20 pounds isn't a lot, but I have a very small frame and I'm short.  It shows and it bothers me.  I did random workouts (stupid Jillian Michaels Shred...she CAN kill you in 30 minutes) and a few assorted things, but nothing ever stuck.

So, while still in Nashville, I joined a gym and signed on for personal training (Note: it's not cheap and I don't recommend going on a date with the director of personal training.)  However, I managed to get into a great routine with the training and going to gym at night.  At one point, it was up to five times a week.  For someone who counts walking up one flight of stairs as a workout, this was huge.  I was actually starting to see results! Then I got a job in Chicago and it all went out the door. 

Because of my living situation right now, I haven't been able to join a gym.  So, I did a bit of research and found this: Couch to 5k.  What!?  A work out program for people who enjoy sitting on the couch?  Sign me up.  See, I've always wanted to love running.  My friend KK runs marathons for fun.  She actually said she'd run a half-marathon with me just to help me.  I think she's insane.  But, at the same time, I'm jealous!  She was a swimmer in high school and learned how to work out...and subsequently fell in love with it.  Now, she's a little work-out freak. I want to be a workout freak.  No, I will be a workout freak.  I just have to convince myself that it'll work...and then go buy a DVR because I can't miss Idol.  I figure if Megan over at Tale of the Trees can do it, so can I!  (Looove her blog by the way!)

Game on, Couch to 5k.  Game on.

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