Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Brain Hurts.

First weeks at new jobs are exhausting.  There are millions of people to meet, thousands of terms to learn and hundreds of questions to ask.  Makes me want a few drinks.  I started my new job as Director of Sales on Monday.  Monday night, everyone was calling and asking me how it went (naturally).  By the time I talked to everyone and explained, my uncle got home and asked "how was it!?"  My response was "my brain hurts."  And it did.  It continued to hurt all week.  There's just so much to learn! 

Coming from one of the largest hotels/convention centers in the world to a smaller property has been hilarious.  People keep making coments:

- "Oh, you'll be lost for a few months...don't worry!" Um nope...can already tell you where all the meeting rooms are and how to get there in the back halls.  Thanks though.

- "Things are really complex at this property...there's always a lot going on."  You know nothing of busy.  Trust me.

- "There's just SO much space!"  Right...all of the space in your hotel could fit into 6 meeting rooms of my old one. 

- "This is a really big producation/group."  Really?  It's 250 people for lunch?  I could do that in my sleep.

Obviously, I'm not saying this to people, but it's quite funny.  They think that just because I came from Nashville that I was at a small hotel.  Totally false.  There is probably going to be a large adjustment period for me, which is totally to be expected.  The hardest thing for me so far has been letting go of CS/Catering and focusing on AV.  Before, I'd be in a ballroom throwing tables/chairs and focusing on banquets while the AV Techs took care of everything else.  Now...I AM one of the AV people.  It's so funny how perceptions change.

Also, I went from working with 95% women to working with 100% men.  Talk about a change of pace.  For the first few days, they didn't really know how to take me because I'd help where I could and ask questions, but wouldn't really say anything else.  For some reason, it seemed like they were afraid of me.  I evenutally told them to quit treating me like a china doll and get over it.  After that, things were much better.  It's been fun getting to know them and all of their personalities.  Other than all of that, I really like the job.  I learned in my last few months in Nashville to start a new job with a huge dose of humility...and I'm doing just that.

Personally, I love living in Chicago.  It's perfect.  Last weekend, I packed up Lexie and took her to Ann's place to have a sleepover.  The dogs played while we watched Ally McBeal on DVD and drank wine.  It was wonderful to catch up with her without having to fly 600 miles with a dog. 

Before my mom left, we got to check out the Wicker Park area.  I was dead set against living there because it's supposed to be super artzy...and well, I'm not.  But after getting yelled at by my brother to check it out, we did.  Of course, I fell in love.  It's SUCH a great area!  Plus, the Blue Line goes directly to Rosemont...two blocks from my hotel.  Perfection.  I drove down there Wednesday night to have dinner with Jason - a great friend from college.  We ate some fantastic Italian food and had a great time catching up.  We got to hang out again last night to watch the Boilers lose to Duke.  He loves Wicker Park and takes the El into the city for work. 

It's funny how things change over the years.  In the past five years, I've literally see Jason do a 180 degree turn.  He just graduated with his MBA last year and now works for United Airlines.  He's insanely smart and kicking ass/taking names at his job.  He even ate couscous for dinner last night.  I was in shock.  It's always great to have a connection to someone who knew you in the past.  Both of us have changed so much, but we always have a great time laughing and talking. 

At any rate, that's all that's going on for now!  I've got to go pack up Lex and I for another sleepover with Ann.  We're going out in Lincoln Park to celebrate Tarrah's birthday.  Hopefully, I'll get to meet up with KK as well!  I <3 this city!!

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